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5 Jan 1780:22 (3/106)
From the London Evening Post. September 21.
Sir, When we observe ourselves threatened with the most
imminent and alarming dangers, it is natural to enquire,
what are our prospects of escape from them? We can look for
no help from those, who have plunged us into the deepest
distress. Our ministers of grace, the Catalines and
Cetheguses of the age, who have already shed rivers of
innocent blood, would rather involve the nation in farther
miseries, than restore it to its former splendor. . .
[tirade against licentiousness among the soldiers at Cox
Heath] . . . They have even cast off all appearance of
decency, as if it was disgraceful to them to keep up to the
common level of the rudest barbarians, Seven naked officers
with seven naked whores, made a dancing party on Sunday the
5th instant, and on Sunday the 12th, while the majority of
these miscreants, attended by a band of music, held a
publick assembly at the Assembly-room on Cox Heath, a
detached party of the same class behaved like Bedlamites, or
rather like devils in the town of Maidstone. They placed
themselves on the balcony of the Star Inn, in the publick
street, sung bawdy songs, and acted so riotously and
impudently in every other respect, as one must have thought
beyond the audacity of the monsters of hell. [signed] L.