Citation - New Jersey Gazette-Trenton: 1781.05.30

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Index Entry Apprentice, runaway named Worstill, William, plays fife 
Location Middletown 
30 May 1781:33 (4/179)
Eight silver dollars reward.  Ran away last night from the
subscriber, in Middletown township, Bucks county, an
apprentice lad, named William Worstill, about 19 years of
age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion, well-set and
full-faced; he is remarkably fond of playing on the fife; by
trade a miller: had on and took with him, a light-coloured
coat, corded jacket and breeches, a corded coatee, and
sundry clothes not known.  He went off with one Joseph
Gillam, a weaver, and John Twining, a labourer, and it is
supposed they are making for New-York . . . [4 lines,
signed] May 26, 1781. Joseph Jenks.

Generic Title New Jersey Gazette-Trenton 
Date 1781.05.30 
Publisher Collins, Isaac 
City, State Trenton, NJ 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0024807
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