Citation - New Jersey Gazette-Trenton: 1782.05.29

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Index Entry Band of music, in Philadelphia, played during entertainment for Luzerne 
Location Philadelphia 
29 May 1782:11,12,13 (5/231)
Philadelphia, May 18.  Congress having, in consequence of a
request of the Honorable the chevalier de la Luzerne,
Minister Plenipotentiary of France . . . [granted publick
  In pursuance of orders from the Secretary at war, issued
by the special direction of Congress, the continental troops
in garrison paraded, at nine o'clock in the morning, upon
the commons, where they were joined by a troop of the
volunteer cavalry of the city of Philadelphia . . . [6
lines] and attended by an excellent band of musick, marched
in great order . . . to the Minister's house. . . [goes to
Congress, speaks]
  At 5 o'clock an elegant dinner was provided by Congress at
the city-tavern . . . [attended, 9 lines]
An excellent band of musick played at intervals during the
dinner, and between each of the following toasts, which were
drank with the discharge of thirteen cannon. . .

Generic Title New Jersey Gazette-Trenton 
Date 1782.05.29 
Publisher Collins, Isaac 
City, State Trenton, NJ 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0024859
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