Citation - New Jersey Journal: 1781.09.26

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Index Entry Drummer, in New London, British casualties 
Location New London 
26 Sep 1781:31 (136)
Return of the killed and wounded.  [British soldiers]
  1 Major, 1 Ensign, 2 Serjeants, 44 rank and file, killed
  1 Lieut. Col., 3 Captains, 2 Lieutenants, 2 Ensigns, 8
Serjeants, 2 drummers, 127 rank and file, wounded.
  Of the wounded officers, one Captain, one Lieutenant, and
one Ensign since dead.  John Stapleton.
[The preceding 2 columns give an account of a battle at Fort
Griswold, which the British won over the New Jersey
volunteers.  The information is in the form of a letter from
B. Arnold, written from the Sound, off Plumb Island (near
New London) dated 8th Sept., 1781 about a battle on the 5th]

Generic Title New Jersey Journal 
Date 1781.09.26 
Publisher Kollock, Shepard 
City, State Chatham, NJ 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0025030
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