Citation |
6 Aug 1783:22,23,31 (234)
Kilkenny, April 5. On the 2d inst. being the time of our
assizes, and the town much crowded, Lieutenant collonel
Talbot, who commands the fensibles now quartered in this
city, returned from Dublin.--Shortly after his arrival to
the barrack, a party of the fencibles, much more in number
than usual, and with fixed bayonets, received orders to beat
through the town. They also beat much beyond the limits
lately prescribed for them.
About the hour of eight the same evening, (being the usual
hour the Volunteers beat the retreat) a large body of
Fensibles, headed by Lieutenant Col. Talbot, and consisting
of 60 men, beat their drums through the town, with bayonets
fixed. When they came to the shambles, they, without the
least provocation or notice whatsoever to the public, facing
different ways, fired ball cartridges. . . [13 lines]
Dublin, April 12. . . [23 lines] What can justify the
ordering of such corps of the military, with detachments of
artillery, to proceed to Kilkenny, upon the mere report of
two or three ignorant subaltern Fencible officers, or the
uproar of the Colonel, who left town in such a spluter?
Must his spluttering unintelligible letters, be a sufficient
cause to drench the Kingdom in blood, or plunge us into all
the horrors of a civil war? yet upon thes mere partial
report, have we seen the military draw forth the engines of
destruction, to be used against Freemen, because two or
three fencible officers had been turned out of a dancing
assembly. . . [10 lines]