Citation - New Jersey Journal: 1783.11.05

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Index Entry Burden, Sing tantarara dupes all, of lyric [beg] Come rouse, brother Tories 
Location Chatham 
5 Nov 1783:41 (247) 
Come rouse, brother Tories, the loyalists cry,
The wind's at northwest, and a clear wholesome sky;
From the rebels let's haste to Port-Roseway's shore,
For George has forsook us our fate to deplore.
  Chor.--Sing tantarara dupes all, dupes all, &c.
. . . [10 more verses with chorus]

Generic Title New Jersey Journal 
Date 1783.11.05 
Publisher Kollock, Shepard 
City, State Chatham, NJ 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0025136
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