Citation - New London Summary: 1759.08.10

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Index Entry Drummer, in Fort Niagara, accompanies flag of truce to camp 
Location Fort Niagara 
10 Aug 1759:31 (53)
[Taking of Fort Niagara on 24 July, 1758] . . .  Upon the
return of our troops to General Johnson with the prisoners,
he immediately sent a flag of truce in to the commander of
the fort, and demanded a surrender, telling him of the
defeat of the reinforcement he expected, but the French
Commandant would not give credit to what Gen. Johnson said,
till he had sent a flag of truce with a drum into our camp,
and found it but too true; and immediately on the officer's
return to the fort, the French Commandant offered to
capitulate, provided General Johnson would permit the
garrison to march out with all the honours of war, which was
agreed to; . . . 

Generic Title New London Summary 
Date 1759.08.10 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0025152
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