Citation - New London Summary: 1762.03.19

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Index Entry Ballads, for sale by Green, Timothy 
Location New London 
19 Mar 1762 (189)
To be sold at the Printing-Office in New-London, the
following new books, viz . . . [11 lines]
Watts's Psalms with tunes, London edit.
Tate & Brady's Psalms,  Watts's Hymns.
The Pylgrims Progress, by Bunyan, London edit. . . [2
Also. Bibles, testaments, Psalters, Spelling books, Abel's
Trigonometry,  An assortment of Latin books,  A great
variety of small histories, plays, School of Good Manners,
and a great variety of Children's books, ballads, &c. . . [9

Generic Title New London Summary 
Date 1762.03.19 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0025228
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