Citation - New London Summary: 1763.01.21

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Index Entry Drums, in Cassel, beat in surrender of Cassel to Prince Ferdinand 
Location Cassel 
21 Jan 1763:31 (233)
Cassel taken by Prince Ferdinand.  St. James's, Nov. 12.
This day arrived here Captain Guydickens, sent express by
Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick to his Majesty, with the news
of the surrender of Cassel to Prince Ferdinand, on the 1st
instant, on the following terms.
  That the garrison shall go out with the honours of war,
their arms, baggages, drums beating, and lighted match, to
be conducted by the nearest road to the King's army; . . .
[5 lines]

Generic Title New London Summary 
Date 1763.01.21 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0025250
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