Citation - Newport Mercury: 1759.06.26

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Index Entry Flutes, English, for sale by Richardson, Jacob 
Location Newport 
26 Jun 1759:42,43 (54)
Imported in the last ships from London and Bristol, and to
be sold by Jacob Richardson, wholesale and retail, at his
shop in Brenton's Row, in Thames Street, Newport, all sorts
of goods made in brass, copper, pewter, iron, and steel: 
also woolens, linens, silks, and India goods, viz. . . .
brass and iron Jews harps . . . English flutes, violins,
bows, bridges, pins, best Roman violin strings . . . 

Generic Title Newport Mercury 
Date 1759.06.26 
Publisher Franklin, James 
City, State Newport, RI 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0031884
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