Citation - Newport Mercury: 1769.12.25

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Index Entry Psalmody, to be taught in Newport 
Location Newport 
25 Dec 1769:31 (590)
The public are hereby informed, that a singing school will
be opened at Mr. Bradford's school-house, next Thursday
evening, by a person who has taught the various branches of
psalmody, in the provinces of New-York, Massachusetts-Bay
and Connecticut, where those gentlemen & ladies, who have an
inclination to improve in this excellent art, may expect all
that care and diligence, which is necessary to their being
rightly instructed in the same.
N.B.  For further particulars enquire of Mr. Bradford,

Generic Title Newport Mercury 
Date 1769.12.25 
Publisher Southwick, Solomon 
City, State Newport, RI 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0032281
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