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1 Feb 1783:42 (1114)
Twenty Dollars Reward. Ran away from the subscriber of
Middletown, about the first of January inst. a lusty stout
Negro man, named Cambridge, about 26 years old, about 5 feet
9 or 10 inches high, goes a little limping, one of his
ancles being considerably larger than the other, plays
pretty well on a fiddle: Had on, when he went away . . . [7
lines] He had enlisted on board a privateer at Newport, but
inquiry being made for him, he left her, and 'tis suppose he
is gone to Providence or Boston to look for a voyage to sea,
for which he has a great inclination: . . . [7 lines, terms,
signed] Benjamin Gardner.
All masters of vessels and others are hereby forbit
harbouring or carrying off said Negro. Middletown, Rhode-
Island, January 16, 1783.