Citation - Norwich Packet: 1774.05.19

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Index Entry Books, psalters, songs, Watt's, Tate & Brady, for sale by Patten, Nathaniel 
Location Norwich 
12-19 May 1774:13 (1/33)
Nathaniel Patten, Bookbinder and Stationer, from Boston,
Hereby acquaints the public, that he has opened a shop at
the east end of the plain, near the printing-office,
. . . [1 paragraph]
  Bibles, testaments, psalters, spelling books, primers,
royal ditto, Watt's Psalms and Hymns bound together in one
Volumne, or Hymns separate, Tate and Brady's Psalms, . . . 

Generic Title Norwich Packet 
Date 1774.05.19 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander and James, and Trumbull, John 
City, State Norwich, CT 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0032906
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