Citation - Norwich Packet: 1774.09.22

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Index Entry Bristol, runaway Negro, plays fiddle, sings 
Location Norwich 
15-22 Sep 1774:23 (1/51)
TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD Run away from the subscribers, on the
night following the 19th instant, three Negro men, named
Jean, Cudge, and Bristol.
. . . [description of Jean and Cudge] Bristol is about
twenty years old, of a [   ] stature, is a good reader,
writer, cypherer, singer, and fiddler; was born in this
country.  [5 lines on clothing worn]
. . . [1 paragraph, signed]
John Perkins Hannah Perkins Joshua Perkins
. . . [3 lines on terms of reward]

Generic Title Norwich Packet 
Date 1774.09.22 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander and James, and Trumbull, John 
City, State Norwich, CT 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0032924
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