Citation - Norwich Packet: 1775.03.09

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Index Entry King, Oliver, requests music teachers to send tunes and anthems for book 
Location Bolton 
2-9 Mar 1775:43 (2/75)
MUSIC.  Whereas the subscriber has for several years past
been employed in teaching psalmody, and been found by long
experience that complaints have generally subsisted amongst
the ablest masters and teachers of music, with regard the
collection of music that have as yet been made public.  In
almost every collection we find a very considerable part
both of tunes and anthems, which have not been generally
approved of, nor thought worth while to be learned; so that
in order to purchase those tunes that are had in the highest
esteem at the present, and probably will continue so, we are
put to a great expense for the purchase of those tunes; and
anthems with them, that are entirely and altogether useless: 
In order to remedy the above inconveniency, the subscriber,
at the advice and desire of a number of gentlemen of the
colony of Connecticut, propose to engrave by subscription,
The Universal Harmony, A collection of the most choice and
valuable psalm and hymn tunes, anthems and canons, with
proper words adapted to the greatest part from the most
approved authors, and especially such as have obtained the
approbation of the best masters in music:  To which will be
added, some pieces which have not yet been published; set by
some of the greatest masters of music. Also, a plain and
easy explanation of the rules of music, fitted for all
teachers, learners; and musical societies.
. . . [Conditions of printing, along with lists of
subscribers, a request for tunes and anthems from music
[signed] Oliver King, Bolton, Feb. 15, 1775.

Generic Title Norwich Packet 
Date 1775.03.09 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander and James, and Trumbull, John 
City, State Norwich, CT 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0032948
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