Citation - Norwich Packet: 1777.05.26

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Index Entry Burden, Derry down, of lyric [beg] Ye wrong heads, and strong heads, attend 
Location London 
19-26 May 1777:41 (4/191)
THE HEADS, OR THE YEAR 1776.  From the London Public Ledger.
Ye wrong heads, and strong heads, attend to my strains;
Ye clear heads and queer heads, and heads without brains.
Ye thick sculls, and quick sculls, and heads great and
And ye heads that aspire to be heads over all.
  Derry down, &c.
. . . [9 funny verses with burden "Derry down."]

Generic Title Norwich Packet 
Date 1777.05.26 
Publisher Trumbull, John 
City, State Norwich, CT 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0033058
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