Citation - New York Chronicle: 1769.05.15

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Index Entry Happy Pair, The [t] [beg] Love bids me write--a pleasing tale rehearse 
Location New York 
8-15 May 1769:161 (1/2)
Beati qui amant, cum aequaliter redamantur.
Love bids me write--a pleasing tale rehearse,
And Lesbia's name adorn the living verse.
Now had the sun descended in the main,
And just withdrawn his glories from the plain,
When Lesbia left the covert of the grove,
Blest seat of meditation and of love!
. . . [4 lines]
Love bids me write--ye soft, ye am'rous fair!
Trust not your passion to the wanton air.
. . . [4 lines]
Love bids me write--ye virgins kind and young,
Let peaceful silence, ever rule your tongue.
. . . [12 lines]
Love bids me write--ye maids such places shun,
When Cynthia rules the skies or you're undone.
. . . [3 times a group of 6 lines followed by some form of
"Love bids me write"; finally 10 lines precedes following:]
Love bade me write--a pleasing tale I've told,
Get husbands maids before you grow too old.

Generic Title New York Chronicle 
Date 1769.05.15 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander and James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0025273
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