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15-22 May 1769:241 (1/3)
No more my Friend affect in vain
The charms of beauty to despise;
nor treat the fair with cold disdain,
But own the lustre of their eyes.
. . . [6 more verses]
Then banish far this stoic pride,
And yield to beauty's sovereign sway;
Let Fools the flame of love deride,
But you the mighty pow'r obey.
[signed] SIMPLICIUS.
I've serch'd the sex my dearest Friend
From the beginning to the end.
Both high and low, both rich and poor,
Of each I've had a paramour.
. . . [9 more lines]
Until that day, thy warm advice
Shall prove to me as winter's ice.
Thou may'st chuse for thee a wife,
I'd rather lead a batchelor's life,
Than live perpetually at strife.