Citation - New York Evening Post (DeForeest): 1748.10.03

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Index Entry Drums, in Nova Scotia, beat for announcement of cessation of arms 
Location Nova Scotia 
3 Oct 1748:32 (176)
[At end of report entitled: Extract of a Letter from a
Gentleman at Menis in Nova-Scotia, dated August 30th 1748.]
. . . Yesterday we landed our whole detachment, as did also
Capt: Askew with some of his officers and men; we were
attended at the shore by the deputys and ancient
inhabitants, after which we marched about two miles to the
Grand Prie, with Drumys beating and colours flying; were was
read the King's proclamation for a cessation of arms, first
in English, then in French; which was follow'd with Huzz as
Vive le Roys, &c.  the Port-Mahon fired thirteen cannon; and
was follow'd by the Anson and Warren's firing also, we
having dined, drank the King's health and Royal family's,
accompany'd by the deputies and ancient inhabitants; who
appeared to express a good deal of joy at the appearance of
a peace.

Generic Title New York Evening Post (DeForeest) 
Date 1748.10.03 
Publisher DeForeest, Henry 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1748 
Bibliography B0025471
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