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7 May 1750:11 (259)
Rome, December 27. The time being come for proceeding of the
holy gates of the four great churches, in order thereby to
obtain the indulgences of the universal jubilee, on the 24th
instant, the eve of the nativity of our Lord, the Pope,
accompanied by the sacred college and all the prelates,
repaired from the palace of the Quirinal to that of the
Vatican. His Holiness was there cloathed in his pontifical
ornaments, and afterwards proceeded to the chapel of Sixtus,
being accompanied with the same train of cardinals and
prelates, and also by the constable Colona, . . . [3 lines]
where some time was spent in worshiping and adoring the
consecrated host; and the Veni Creator afterwards sung.
While this hymn was chaunting, the secular and regular
clergy, followed by the chapter of St. Peter, marched in
solemn procession under the arches which surround the
chapel. The hymn being ended, the Pope, in a chaise borne
by men, preceeded by the cardinals and prelates, descended
the grand stair case, and proceeded to the portico of St.
Peter's Church. . . [18 lines, knocked at the Holy Gate,
workmen tear down masonry.] The customary prayers being
made, and the Pope redescending from his throne, his
Holiness sung the Te-Deum, holding the cross in his right
hand, and a burning taper in the other. After which, the
musick continuing, he entered by the holy gate into the
church, followed by the sacred college and all the clergy.
. . . [10 lines, other churches have same ceremonies.]
During these different function, all the bells in the city
rung, and a triple discharge was made of the artillery. . .