Citation - New York Evening Post (DeForeest): 1750.09.24

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Index Entry Hymns, sung in Genoa, for procession of ashes of St John the Baptist 
Location Genoa 
24 Sep 1750:11 (279)
Genoa, June 6.  On the 23d of last month, the general
procession of the ashes of St. John the Baptist was
performed here, tho' for ought the people knew, it might as
well as the ashes of the man in the moon. Among the
companies of the penitents that should assist at this
procession, there is one composed of the Sbirri, who wanted
to distinguish themselves this year by availing themselves
of certain pretensions.  The other companies being informed
of the design of the Sbirri, their Christian zeal and
charity flamed up to the highest pitch, and they resolved to
take vengeance on them by plunging their stillettos into
their breasts, at a signal to be given in the midst of their
prayers and hymns during the procession, or else seizing
upon them all at once, and heaving them into the sea. . .

Generic Title New York Evening Post (DeForeest) 
Date 1750.09.24 
Publisher DeForeest, Henry 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0025557
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