Citation - New York Evening Post (DeForeest): 1751.09.16

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Index Entry Mestasio, librettist of opera performed in Madrid 
Location Madrid 
16 Sep 1751:11 (230)
Extracts from the last Paris Gazette.  Madrid, June 8.  On
the 30th of May last, being the festival of St. Ferdinand,
whose name his Catholic Majesty bears, their Majesties
received the compliments of all the foreign ministers, and
admitted the grandees to kiss their hands.
  In the evening, they went to see a new opera, the words
whereof were composed by the celebrated poet Mestasio.
  The same evening there was exhibited several very grand
fireworks; and the gardens of the castle at Aranjuez were
illuminated in a very elegant manner; . . . 
  . . . [5 lines unrelated matter]
  The Count de Provana arrived in the city on the 5th inst,
from Turin, from whence he had been dispatched by his
Sardinian Mrgesty, to acquaint their Majesties in form, that
on the 24th of May last, her Royal Highness the Dutchess of
Savoy was brought to bed of a Prince.
  His Majesty order'd, that Te-Deum should be forthwith sung
in our cathedral, and that there should be public rejoicings
for three days successively on that happy occurrence.

Generic Title New York Evening Post (DeForeest) 
Date 1751.09.16 
Publisher DeForeest, Henry 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1751 
Bibliography B0025606
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