Citation - New York Gazette (Bradford): 1738.07.10

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Index Entry Drum, in Macclesfield, beat by woman in riot over woven buttons 
Location Macclesfield 
3-10 Jul 1738:32  (661)
They write from Macclesfield, that on the 18th, 19th, and
20th of this instant, they had great mobbing by women,
concerning the woven buttons made by Mr. Thornely;  the
women got a drum, and one of them beat it about town;  there
were several hundreds of them, who broke into Mr. Thornely's
house, where they found, as reported, some score of bags,
which they took and carried about the town, at the end of
their poles:  The Capt. of the mob was one Elizabeth Sexton: 
four of them were put into the House of Correction, but the
rest of the women of the mob broke open three doors of the
goal and took them out by strength of arms.  The like was
never seen in this town before, for the women went through
the streets with the drum beating every day, and took the
looms that they wove the buttons in and burnt them. . .

Generic Title New York Gazette (Bradford) 
Date 1738.07.10 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0027843
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