Citation - New York Gazette (Bradford): 1740.01.29

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Index Entry Lyric, topical [beg] See! how these holy self-abasing souls 
Location London 
22-29 Jan 1740:31,32 (738)
From the Gentleman's Magazine.
A Gentleman having made some observation on the life and
conduct of some of Mr. Whitefield's friends, writ the
following lines thereon, viz.
  See! how these holy self-abasing souls,
  Whom the blest spirit with his influence rules;
  See! with what watchful industry and care
  They labour in salvation's great affair:
. . . [24 more]

Generic Title New York Gazette (Bradford) 
Date 1740.01.29 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1740 
Bibliography B0027916
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