Citation |
5-12 Feb 1740:11,12 (740)
From the London Gazette, October 23, 1739. George R. Our
will and pleasure is, that you attend the proclamation of
our declaration of war against Spain; that is to be made on
Tuesday the 23d instant, in the usual places, and with the
solemnities customary on the like occasion: and for so
doing this shall be your warrant. Given at our Court at
Kensington the 19th day of October, 1739, in the 13th year
of our reign. By His Majesty's command, . . .
St. James's, October 23.
The officers at Arms, with the Serjeant at Arms and
Trumpeters, mounted their horses in the stable-yard, St.
James's, and proceeding thence to the Palace Gate; Garter
Principal King of Arms read His Majesty's Declaration of
War, and Norroy King of Arms proclaimed it aloud; which
being done, a procession was made to Charing-cross, as
follow. A party of Horse-Guards or Grenadiers to clear the
way. Bridles of Westminster bare-headed, with staves, two
and two. Constables of Westminster in like manner. High
Constable of Westminster, with his staff. The officers of
the High Bailiff of Westminster on horseback, with white
wands. Clerk of the High Bailiff of Westminster. High
Bailiff of Westminster, and on his right hand the Deputy
Steward. Knight Marshal's Men. Knight Marshal. Drums.
Drum-jor [=Major]. Trumpets. Serjeant Trumpeters in his
collar, bearing his mace. Pursuivants, Bluemantle . . . [8
lines of others in the procession, and 23 lines describe the
reading of the declaration of war.]