Citation - New York Gazette (Bradford): 1740.03.04

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Index Entry Betts, Thomas, owner of runaway Negro named Coffey who plays violin 
Location Flatbush 
26 Feb-4 Mar 1740:42 (743)
Ran away some time in August last from Thomas Betts, Esq. of
Flat-Bush, in Kings County, a Negro named Coffey.  He
understands playing on the violin, also all sorts of
husbandry work, he is a black fellow, and some-what pock-
broken, he hath thick lips, and has a scarr on one of his
leggs.  He had on when he went away a home-spun coat lin'd
with the same.
   Whoever can take up said Negro man, or secure him and
give notice to his master, shall have three pounds reward, &
all reasonable charges paid.

Generic Title New York Gazette (Bradford) 
Date 1740.03.04 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1740 
Bibliography B0027919
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