Citation - New York Gazette (Bradford): 1740.04.14

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Index Entry Assemblies, in Charleston, condemned by Whitefield and correspondent 
Location Charleston 
7-14 Apr 1740:11,12 (749)
Part of a Letter from Charlestown, South-Carolina, Jan. 9,
1739.  To the Rev.------ in Boston.
  I presume you can be no stranger to the name of the Rev.
Mr. George White-Field;  since there is no speech nor
language, I may almost say, where his sound is not heard. 
It has often enter'd into the subjects of conversation, as
it has given rise to many debates and speculations in the
Publick Primis. . . Particularly the Doctrine of Original
Sin, which is interwoven with all the five famous points in
dispute, and must very much determine us, as we embrace or
reject it;  and I am the more surpriz'd such a doctrine
should begin to be exploded, when a publick representation
of persons, is the general principle, upon which the world
now acts, in all national affairs, and from whence alone the
justice of them, in my opinion, must emerge______ I can't
conclude, without wishing success to Mr. White Field's
publick and repeated censures upon our balls and mid-night
assemblies;  especially in the present situations of our
province.  To bid open defiance to heaven, to turn such a
season of mourning, under its judgments, into publick
dancing, has such a mixture of impiety and infatuation, that
I can't see how any minister of Christ, who desires to be
found faithful, dare to show any indifference to it;  nor
will I ever believe, that religion and virtue can thrive
under the shadow of a theatre.
   Rev. Sir, Yours, &c. [signed] J.

Generic Title New York Gazette (Bradford) 
Date 1740.04.14 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1740 
Bibliography B0027924
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