Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1759.05.28

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Index Entry Bell, in Portsmouth, escaped damage in storm 
Location Portsmouth 
28 May 1759:22 (15)
Portsmouth, May 11. . . [storm of thunder and lightening]
greatly damaged the Rev. Mr. Haven's Meetinghouse; the
lightening struck the steeple, and rending the spire in
pieces quite down to the cupulo, over the bell, descended in
the north easterly and south westerly corner posts. . . [17
lines] but it is remarkable that no part took fire in the
least degree, and that the bell is not at all damaged.

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1759.05.28 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0027948
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