Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1759.09.24

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Index Entry How dangerous it is to venture near the verge... [fl] 
Location New York 
24 Sep 1759:11,12 (32 Postscript)
[In article concerning James Parker and the printing of an
almanack, several verse quotations:]
----How dangerous
It is to venture near the verge of baseness:
A generous mind should never dare to quit
Virtue's firm hold; that gone, that sacred anchor
Once parted from, there is no stop--down drives
The desp'rate bark before the foaming torrent,
. . . [lines cut off, then 3 paragraphs of prose]
The world's a labyrinth;
And men are wanderers;
Each tries a several way to gain his end;
And all with distant views to find it out:
. . . [4 more lines]
Go on, good Sir, and bark away,
The moon will shine the brighter;
Envy will be its own reward,
Whilst dogs in manger loiter.

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1759.09.24 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0027965
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