Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1759.11.19

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Index Entry Drums, in Quebec, beat in French capitulation 
Location Quebec 
19 Nov 1759:22 (40)
Boston, November 12.  Capitulation of Quebec, the 18th of
September, 1759. 
Articles of Capitulation, . . . [12 lines]
   The garrison of this city, comprehending land troops,
marines, and seamen, shall march out of the garrison with
arms, baggage, drums, &c. two pieces of French iron cannon,
and twelve rounds per gun,  they shall be embark'd for
France as conveniently as possible, and landed at the first
port there.

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1759.11.19 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0027974
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