Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1760.06.23

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Index Entry Lyric, topical [beg] No more, proud Gallia, make thy boast 
Location London 
23 Jun 1760:11 (72)
London, April 1760.
  No more, proud Gallia, make thy boast,
  Thou wilt invade the British coast,
  And make a large descent;
  For now the tables quite are turn'd,
  Thy fleets are beat, sunk, took, or burn'd
  By Britain's armament.
  . . . [4 more verses]

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1760.06.23 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0028006
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