Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1760.09.08

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Landshut, spoils of war taken from Prussians 
Location Landshut 
8 Sep 1760:21 (83)
Vienna, (the Capital city of the Circle of Austria, and of
the German Empire) June 28.
   The attack of the intrenchments near Landshut began at
two in the morning of the 23d. . . General Fouquet's corps
was not indeed very numerous, but it consisted of the flower
of the Prussian troops: and it must be confessed, that being
hemmed in on every side, and having no other resource but
their valour, they defended themselves with such obstinacy
as hath made this the bloodiest action that has happened in
the course of the present war. . . [3 lines] We don't
supposed above a thousand of them escaped: the rest were
made prisoners.  The following is a list of them. . . [4
lines listing troops taken,] in all 7800 men.
   Artillery, &c. taken; 49 pieces of cannon, 9 haubitzers,
24 ammunition waggons, 34 colours, 2 standards, one pair of
silver kettle drums.

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1760.09.08 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0028017
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