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16 Feb 1761:32 (108)
Run away from the subscriber, on the 20th of December last,
a Negro or Mulatto man servant, aged about 28 years, named
Mark Edward, born near Byram River, in the county of
Westchester; a well set fellow, near six feet high, talks
good English, plays well on a fiddle, calls himself a free
fellow, goes commonly with his head shaved, hath two crowns
on the top of his head, small black specks or moles in his
eyes, with a scar near the middle of his breast, and a mole
on his left breast. Had on when he went away, a good pair
of leather breeches, a blue broadcloth jacket, a red jacket
under it without sleeves, a good beaver hat. Whoever takes
up and secures said fellow, shall have five pounds New-York
money reward, and all reasonable charges paid, by me Abner
Smith, of New-Haven, in the Colony of Connecticut.
N.B. All house-keepers, and masters of vessels, are
hereby forbid to harbour, conceal, or carry off said fellow,
as they may depend on being prosecuted according to law.
[signed] Abner Smith.