Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1766.06.30

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Index Entry Band of music, in New York, to play in concert series at Ranelagh Gardens 
Location New York 
30 Jun 1766:32 (377)
Ranelagh Gardens, (For Breakfasting, as well as the evening
entertainment of ladies and gentlemen)
Are laid out, at a great expence, in a very genteel,
pleasing manner; and judged (without exception) to be far
the most rural retreat any way near this city.-- As an
addition thereto, a compleat Band of Musick, is engaged to
perform every Monday, and Thursday evenings, during the
summer season (beginning at 7 o'clock) a commodious hall in
the Gardens for Dancing, and Drawing Rooms neatly fitted up;
the very best of wine, and other liquors, meade, sillabub,
&c. with gammons, tongues, alamode beef, tarts, cakes, &c.
&c. and on notice given, dinners and other large
entertainments, elegantly provided as usual;
. . . [4 more lines]
[signed] John Jones
When any evening proves bad, the Concert will be the evening
following; tickets to be had at the Gardens, and at the
Queens Head Tavern, near the Exchange.-- N.B. The Concert
began last Thursday evening.

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1766.06.30 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0028311
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