Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1744.07.30

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Index Entry I've wrote a Book and fix'd my Name [fl] 
Location New York 
30 Jul 1744:11 (80)
To Mister Gratius Esculapius, on his Observations upon my
Parformence against the Moraviens.  Het verstant Des
Menschen vertrecht syn toorn Ende syn lieraet is de over
Treding voorby Te gaen. Sp. Sol. cap. xix, v. ll.
  I've wrote a Book and fix'd my Name,
  I never will disown;
  Yet I cant see I am to blame,
  Tho so much Durt is trown,
  My Preface tells you what is ment
  Tho you the Sence destroy,
  Parvarting what was my intent,
  Purely your wit t'Employ.
. . .[56 lines]

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1744.07.30 
Publisher Parker, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1744 
Bibliography B0025789
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