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2 Sep 1762:43 (1026)
Musick, and instruments, to be dispos'd of by a gentleman,
lately arrived from London. A large and curious collection
of it in manuscript (warranted correct) and in print;
consisting of concerto's, among which are 18 of the famous
Duke of Caputi, of Naples, which no body else has complete,
sonata's, solo's, duets, opera songs in score, and the
prettiest of them transposed into easy keys, for the German
flute, violin, or harpsichord, to accompany the voice; they
may be play'd either lesson ways, or with the thorough bass,
in the nature of Venetian ballads, in two parts; they are by
Leo, Pergolese, Galuppi, Hasse, Handel, &c. Variety of
harpsichord lessons, Signor Pasqualy's new art of fingering
the harpsichord; likewise his rules for playing thorough
bass without a master. New country dances, minuets, horn
pipes, and a great collection of new and old printed English
songs, with the musick cromes[?]. Fiddle new, modell'd by
way of question and answer, (with copper plates) or rules to
play it well without a master. Books of instruction for
singing, and for all instruments singly, and for transposing
musick into proper keys for your instrument. Pocket, and
large blank harpsichord books ready rul'd, some of the small
one's fill'd with songs, solo's duets, march's, minuets, &c.
and a few German flutes, at three dollars a piece; others
with two or three middle pieces, to lower the pitch to
accompany a voice, or any wind instrument. Fiddles lined,
and corner stopt to strengthen them, and to prevent their
ungluing in hot or moist weather, from three dollars each to
a higher price. A small six-string'd bass-viol, hautboys,
and reeds, common flutes, march, troop, and grenadier fifes
of all sizes, French horns, fiddle bridges well season'd, at
six shillings per dozen, and bass viol ditto, pegs, tail
pieces, breech pins, &c. A tenor fiddle, and fiddle bows of
all lengths and qualities, from three shillings each, and
upwards, fiddle and bass viol strings of all sorts and
sizes, and a great many other things in the musical way. A
collection of books in most languages and faculties, viz.
mathematics, fortification, the classicks, French, &c.
histories, novels, plays, pamphlets, &c. The above collected
mostly for his own use, in his travels thro' Italy, Germany,
France, Spain, and elsewhere. Please to inquire for him at
Mr. Earl's, the hatter, in Dock-Street, facing Beekman's