Citation |
26 Jan 1764:22 (1099)
[London] At the comedy of the Twelfth Night, presented a few
evenings ago at Drury-lane, one of the centinels on the
stage was so tickled with the fighting scene of Sir Andrew
Ague Cheek and Olivia, that he burst into the loudest and
most extravagant fits of laughter. The man's sensibility
was taken notice of by the audience, who clapped him
heartily on that account; but whether thro'a surprise at the
attention paid him by the house, or the effect which the
comedy had on him, `tis not known, but at last he fell down
in a kind of fit, one part of him behind the scenes, the
other before the audience; he was, however, taken out and as
no ill consequence attended the accident, is afforded a
matter of no little merriment to the spectators.