Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1764.08.02

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Index Entry Ball, in London, at court, for King's birthday, two bands played 
Location London 
2 Aug 1764:13 (1126)
[News from London] St. James's, June 4.  This day being the
anniversary of the King's birth day, their a very numerous
and brilliant appearance of the nobility, foreign ministers,
and other persons of distinction, to compliment his Majesty
on that occasion.  At noon the guns in the park and in the
tower were fired; and in the evening there was a ball at
court, and bonfires, illuminations, and other public
demonstrations of joy throughout London and Westminster. . .
[6 more lines] the garden was decorated with 10,000 lamps,
400 of which, being fixed to the ballustrades, descending by
the steps, had a most beautiful effect.  Two bands of music
were provided, one in the house, (where the great gallery
was illuminated to an astonishing degree of splendor) and
the other in the garden, which answered alternately, and
upon Lord Granby's entrance struck up, See the conq'ring
Hero comes; a mark of respect to the extraordinary merit of
that illustrious officer, which was instantly returned by a
general huzza from the whole company. . . [2 more lines]

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1764.08.02 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0026836
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