Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1764.08.30

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Index Entry Caius Marius [t], performed in Venice 
Location Vicenza 
30 Aug 1764:22 (1130)
Venice, May 30.  His Royal Highness the Duke of York entered
the Venetian state, from Manua, on Friday the 25th inst. . .
and the next morning early his Royal Highness pursued his
journey for Venice, . . .  only got out of his coach to see
the Olympic Theatre at Vicenza. . . proceeded to Venice. . .
In the evening his Royal Highness went to a very large box,
richly furnished for his reception, to see the Opera of
Caius Marius represented in the Great Theatre, at St. John
Chrysostom's, and was attended there by the Deputies; as he
was also the following night, in a box finely fitted up to
see the Opera of Sophonisha, in the Theatre of St. Luke's. .
. and conducted into the great Armory, where there was a
Rinfresco, and a concert of music; and from the balcony saw
the shews called le Forze d'Ercole, and the Moresca dance. .

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1764.08.30 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0026840
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