Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1764.09.27

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Negro man 
Location Roxbury 
27 Sep 1764:41 (1134)
Run-away the 12th of last month, August, from the
subscriber, living in Roxbury, in the county of Morris, two
Negro men; one about 20 years of age,  spritely well-set
fellow, understands all sorts of farming work, and pretends
to be a fiddler; the other about 30 years of age. . . [8
more lines of description] whoever will take up the above
said Negroes, so that I may have them again, shall have
three pounds reward, or thirty shillings for either, and all
reasonable charges, paid them by me, Augustine Reid. 
September 3, 1764.

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1764.09.27 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0026844
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