Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1765.06.06

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Index Entry Bassoon reeds, for sale by Rivington and Brown 
Location New York 
6 Jun 1765:22 (1170 Supplement)
Rivington and Brown, have this day imported in Capt. Berton
from London, the following articles; The ninth and last
volume of the Statutes at large, which completes them . . .
[2 columns of titles, including:] Clio and Euterpe, an
elegant collection of the best modern Songs, with the Musick
to each . . . [a selection of law books follows] The said
Rivington and Brown, have likewise imported in this vessel,
an assortment of the following; . . . [2 columns of articles
including:] best fiddles. Schucart's German flutes. fifes.
violoncellos. hautboys. violoncello strings. reeds for
bassoons. reeds for hautboys. a quantity of excellent fresh
fiddle strings.

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1765.06.06 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0026880
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