Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1765.06.27

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Index Entry German flutes, made by most noted makers, prize in lottery 
Location Annapolis 
27 Jun 1765:21 (1173 Supplement)
The Scheme of the Land, Plate, and Goods Lottery.  Which
will be drawn some time in September next, at Annapolis, in
Maryland.  All prizes: No blanks . . . [values of the prizes
of land and plate listed followed by 5 explanatory lines]
The following are some particulars of the prizes, exclusive
of the land . . . [2 columns including:]  a quantity of the
best guittars and voilins in neat cases; the best German
flutes by the most noted makers in that branch . . . Also a
library of books, selected from the best authors, viz . . .
.[2 short columns including:] Shakespear's Works . . . [2
paragraphs of further explanation] Tickets and schemes may
be had of Rivington and Brown, and Messrs. Green and Rind at
Annapolis; Wm. Stephenson, Esq; at Chester-Town; the Rev.
Mr. Montgomery, at George-Town; and Mr. Royle, at

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1765.06.27 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0026883
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