Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1766.10.02

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Index Entry Songs, blasphemous, sung by man in Abbeville, who was arrested and executed 
Location Abbeville 
2 Oct 1766:13 (1239) 
Paris, July 7. In consequence of the act of Parliament of
the 4th of June last, the young man committed for blasphemy,
was carried from the conciergerie and executed at Abbeville
this month. . . [list of his offences] that he had sung two
songs, full of horrible and abominable blasphemies against
God, the holy sacraments, the holy Virgin, and the saints,
mentioned in the process. . . 

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1766.10.02 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0026948
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