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15 Jan 1770:31 (1411)
[In a response by "A Citizen", to a previous political essay
in this paper, the 4th paragraph includes:]. . . yet as it
is confessed, he is only the medium of communication to the
demagogues of the faction, he can no more be censured for
it, than a rams-horn, or brazen-trumpet, for the sounds they
convey.--To set this matter in a clearer point of light,
(which may also unravel the mysterious behaviour of other
busy actors in this farce) should Will, or John, or any
other name you choose, be masters of a puppet-show, and
manage the springs behind the scenes; it is evident, any
undue motion may, with as much propriety be charged on the
puppets, as the misteps, confusion and disorder of those,
who being equally machines, are worked upon by managers
behind the curtain. . . [Ed. see corrections, 22 Jan