Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1770.12.31

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Index Entry Country dances, taught by Hulett, W C 
Location New York 
31 Dec 1770:32 (1461)
The Guittar, taught by W.C. Hulett, Dancing-Master, who has
opened his public dancing-school, at his house in Broad-
Street, near the corner of Beaver-Street, at three o'clock
in the afternoon; and an evening school for such ladies and
gentlemen, who cannot attend in day-time.  Likewise hours
set apart for such as would chuse to be taught in private. 
He flatters himself, that the performance of several of his
scholars, has convinced the judicious and impartial, of his
abilities as a master. He teaches the minuet and country-
dances, by the whole, by the month, or quarter: And likewise
the violin, German-flute, and the use of the small-sword.
N.B.The great advantage that many gentlemen have over others
(that have not learn'd the hornpipe) in country-dancing, has
induced Mr. Hulett to open a private school for such
gentlemen, who may chuse to attend.

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1770.12.31 
Publisher Inslee, Samuel, and Anthony Car 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0027185
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