Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1767.12.17

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Index Entry Harlequin, Cherokee Chiefs enjoyed tricks, in New York theatre 
Location New York 
17 Dec 1767:31 (1302)
[Report of the meeting of the General Assembly of "this
province", 8 lines] On Friday last, arrived here from South-
Carolina, the famous Attakullakulla, or the Little
Carpenter; Ouconnostota, or the Great-Warrior; and the Raven
King of Toogoloo with six other chiefs and warriors of the
Cherokee Nation, accompanied by an interpreter.  And next
day they had an audience of his Excellency General Gage, the
Commander in Chief.  All the field and staff officers at
head quarters, and those of the corps in this garrison,
together with several other gentlemen, attended the General
on this occasion. . . [11 lines] They met with a gracious
reception from the General, and his Excellency has been
pleased to give orders they should be properly entertain'd,
and attended, while they remain here. . . [4 more lines] The
Chiefs having been inform'd, that there was a theatre in
this city, express'd a desire of seeing a play acted.  The
General thought proper to gratify their curiosity; and gave
directions that proper places shall be reserved for them in
the house on Monday evening last. The expectation of seeing
the Indian Chiefs, at the play on Monday night, occasion'd a
great concourse of people, the house was crowded, and it is
said great numbers were obliged to go away for want of room.
The Indians regarded the play, (which was King Richard the
III,) with seriousness and attention, but as it cannot be
supposed that they were sufficiently acquainted with the
language to understand the plot and design, and enter into
the spirit of the author, their countenances and behaviour
were rather expressive of surprise and curiosity, than any
other passions.---Some of them were much surprised and
diverted at the tricks of Harlequin.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1767.12.17 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0028457
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