Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1768.01.07

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Index Entry Theatre, essay, discussion, expensive recreation, inequities of comfort 
Location New York 
7 Jan 1768:21,22 (1305)
[Article on inequalities of comfort and wealth among peoples
of the world, includes this] Among the Dramatis personie
upon the grand stage of the world:. . . [2 lines] Hence, if
we would make our final exit with applause, we must regard
the wise design of the great author of the drama. . . [12
lines] The subject I am upon, naturally leads to take notice
of the play-house, which I suspect must become an obstacle
to the charity I am recommending.  A fondness for the
entertainments of the stage, cannot be gratified without
considerable expence.  The money thrown away in one night at
a play, would purchase wood, provisions and other
necessaries, sufficient for a number of poor, to make them
pass thro' the winter with tolerable comfort. . . [5 more
lines] I have heard that there has been offered in this
city, fifty pounds for a box on the play-house during the
season.  The fact is hardly credible, but if it is true, it
affords the strongest argument that can be urged to prove
the mischievous tendency of a theatre. It would seem from
this, that people were grown mad after plays:. . .[22 more
lines]    Philander., New-York, Dec. 24, 1767.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1768.01.07 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0028460
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