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25 Feb 1768:41 (1312)
An Elegy on the Death of Dramaticus.
Vigor aetatis omnino nihil a flore.dissert.
Ah! what is life, but a contracted span?
Its course is ended, when 'tis scarce began;
Year steals on year--time swiftly flies away,
At morn we flourish, and at noon decay:--
. . . [36 more lines]
With labour'd dullness, and unmanly rage,
To murder the great patron of the stage.
[Signed] T.
(A footnote to this line:"Oh! tremble at each fop's and
females breath!" --The author thro' misinformation has here
made the censure too general.--In justice to the ladies it
must be acknowledged, that a great number of them have
refrained going to the play-house, from principle.)