Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1768.10.13

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Index Entry Drums, in Boston, beat as British troops march into town 
Location Boston 
13 Oct 1768:23 (1345)
[Journal of Transactions in Boston] October 1.  This morning
rumours that representations had gone from hence to General
Gage at New-York, from our good friend, etc. that we are in
a state of rebellion; . . . [8 more lines] At about l
o'clock, all the troops landed under cover of the cannon of
the ships of war, and marched into the common, with muskets
charged, bayonets fixed, colours flying, drums beating and
fifes, etc. playing, making with the train of artillery
upwards of 700 men. . . [24 more lines. Troops demand to be
quartered] Thus the humanity of the city magistrates
permitted them a temporary shelter, which no menances could
have procured.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1768.10.13 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0028516
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