Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1769.01.19

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Index Entry Fifers, in Boston, played on Sunday 
Location Boston 
19 Jan 1769:21 (1359)
Boston. Journal of Occurrences, continued.
Dec.31.  Yesterday the Selectmen, waited upon General
Pomeroy, to acquaint him that the music of the fife, etc. on
the Sabbath, was very disagreeable to the inhabitants, and
might have an ill effect upon the younger and more
thoughtless part of the community, with respect to the
observance of that day; and as they apprehended it contrary
to law, they expressed their hopes and desires that it might
be omitted for the future, as they had taken notice it had
sometimes been in stormy weather;. . . [29 lines of further
Jan.1. The soldiery are obliged, the Lord's Day not
excepted, to attend twice or thrice a day at the calling of
the rolls. . . [15 lines] The noise of the fife was this day
more general and offensive than it has been upon any
Sabbath, since the troops came among us.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1769.01.19 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0028532
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